Students are stressed when it comes to memorization. Most of them feels anxious and are panicking because of the stress that memorization gives them. But, there are tons of ways to overcome this fear. There are techniques that can be used to memorize faster. Doing such techniques will help every student to become good in memorizing, and it will help them to change the mindset that memorization is hard. Here are some amazing tips that you can use:

  • Use Flashcards
    • Flashcards are very helpful it terms of memorization. It is very essential in every student’s life. It can help you to remember the key terms of what you want to memorize. It can also test your knowledge about a certain topic. Using flashcards will help you process the words quickly for a long time.
    • You can make a flashcard using index papers. There are also sites and applications that are available online to use and make a flashcard.
  • Set Time Limit and Take Breaks
    • When memorizing, you should also pay attention to the time or how long you memorize. It is important to rest and relax your mind so that you will not be stressed out so much. If you don’t practice to limit your memorization time, your brain will not function very well. It is much better if you memorize for half an hour and take a break for 10 minutes. You can take a nap every break time to give your brain a rest and to process every words that you studied.
  • Use Sticky Notes and Highlighters
    • Sticky notes and highlighters can also be helpful. You can use sticky notes when you think of something that are essential to the topic but wasn’t included in your notes. It will help you expand your knowledge about the topic. On the other hand, you can use highlighters when you see unfamiliar words and words that aren’t easy to pronounce. Highlight those words and practice to pronounce it repeatedly until you do it right. If unfamiliar words, jot it down and search for the meaning and some examples of that word. It will help you to expand your vocabulary skills.
  • Read The Words/Sentences Repeatedly Until Memorized
    • Try to read the sentences over and over again. Try to recite it without looking on your notes and test if you got it. Reciting will help you to test your skill in focusing. After that, try to relax and do not be anxious or stressed. It will help you not to stutter when you recite and memorize. Take it easy, you can do it.
  • Teach What You Remember To Yourself Or To Others
    • To know if you truly memorized what you studied, teach yourself/others what you learned. In this way, you will know what you needed to improve and to know if you truly understood the topic. Tell all of the information that you remember and discuss it. Speaking it out loud will help you remember the information in a long period of time.

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